Linked Accounts on SatrixNOW FAQs 

What are Linked Accounts on SatrixNOW?

'Linked Accounts' on SatrixNOW allow account holders to share access to their accounts with other SatrixNOW users they know and trust. This sharing enables different levels of access, including viewing holdings, executing transactions, or both.

How Do I Link My Account to Someone Else to Grant Them Access?

Provide your SatrixNOW account number to the person you want to grant access. They should log into their own SatrixNOW account, navigate to 'My Profile', select 'Associated Accounts' and then set up the link using your account number.

How Do I Link My Account to Someone Else so I Can Access Their Account?

Obtain the account number of the person's account you wish to access. Log into your SatrixNOW account, go to 'My Profile', then 'Associated Accounts', and then click on '+ Link Account'. Enter their account number and choose the access level you're requesting.

How Can I Unlink an Account Linked to Mine?

Log into your account, navigate to 'My Profile', then 'Associated Accounts'. Under the 'Account Access' tab, find the linked account and click 'Revoke Access' to remove it.

How Do I View or Transact on a Linked Account?

Log into your account, go to 'My Profile', then 'Associated Accounts'. On the 'Account Access' tab, select the account you wish to access and click 'Use This Account'. You can view holdings or instruct transactions based on the permissions granted.

How Do I Approve or Decline Transaction Instructions Made on My Account?

If you have 'View and Execute Transactions with Approval' access, you'll receive an email for any submitted transaction instructions. Log into SatrixNOW, navigate to 'My Profile', then 'Associated Accounts', and under the 'Approvals' tab, review and approve or decline pending instructions.

What Access Levels Can I Grant When Linking Accounts?

There are three access levels:

  • View Only: Allows viewing holdings without transaction capabilities.
  • Full Access: Permits viewing and transacting without requiring further approval.
  • View and Execute Transactions with Your Approval: Allows submitting transaction instructions, requiring your approval before execution.

Can I See Who Has Linked to My Account or Whom I've Linked to?

Yes, on your 'Associated Accounts' page under 'My Profile', you can view all accounts you've linked to and those that have linked to your account.

Is Account Linking Mutual?

No, account linking is one-way permission. Having access to someone's account doesn't automatically grant them access to yours.

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