Taxes on SatrixNOW FAQs

Tax Return Submissions

What is Capital Gains Tax (CGT) and When is it Applicable?

Capital Gains Tax (CGT) is a tax applied on your profits after selling an asset. It's based on your tax bracket for the year of selling the asset.

When Can I View My Tax Certificate on SatrixNOW?

SatrixNOW will make tax certificates available by June each year, for the previous financial year.

Need Your Tax Certificates Sooner?

  1. Clients will be notified about “Provisional” tax certificates uploaded onto the platform by 31st of March.

  2. These certificates will state “Provisional” until the tax data has been submitted to SARS at the end of May.

  3. After submission to SARS, final tax certificates will be made available.

When Does the Tax Season Open for Tax Return Submissions?

The opening of the tax submission season is announced by SARS each year. Keep an eye on the SARS website for updates on this.

Accessing Tax Certificates on SatrixNOW

How Do I Get My SatrixNOW Tax Certificate?

Follow these steps to download your tax certificates, with SARS codes, directly from the 'Statements' page on the SatrixNOW platform:

  1. Log into your SatrixNOW account.

  2. Click on the top left stack menu and select Statements.

  3. On the Statements Page, find dropdown options for Tax Certificates select Tax Certificates. You'll see available tax certificates named after the primary account (e.g., SatrixNOW TFSA) and can expand accounts to view available tax statements for specific years.

  4. Download by clicking the respective document's download button, enter a password (your ID number or business registration number for businesses), and save it to your computer.

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